Home Warranty
We are proud of the quality design and construction of the new home we have built for you, and it is of paramount importance to us that our buyers be satisfied. After you have completed your Homeowner Orientation your contact with Caviness Land Development will be through our Warranty Department. This department is in charge of all repair-related matters. In order to ensure you receive a prompt response to your questions, we ask you to contact the Warranty Department with any questions or requests through the link on this page or by email.
Janine Lightner – Janine@Cavinessland.com & Kaitlin Trogdon – Kaitlin@Cavinessland.com
A home is a unique product, one that requires your proper care and maintenance. Under the Caviness Land Development Warranty Agreement, you are expected to prevent damage and ensure proper functioning of your home and its various systems. We encourage you to read the Home Warranty Manual.